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Stone Selection *Stone Selection*Granite SlabsMarble SlabsEngineered QuartzQuartzite SlabsPorcelain SlabsPrefab GranitePrefab QuartzAzzaro QuartzCaesarstone QuartzVadara QuartzSilestone QuartzPental QuartzQortstone QuartzLucastone QuartzMSI QuartzCambria QuartzOther
Other Stone Selection
Job Square Footage
Start Date *Start Date*A.S.A.P2 WeeksOne Month3 Months6 MonthsJust Kicking Tires
Project Type *Project Type*Kitchen CountertopsBathroom Vanity TopsFireplace SurroundsOutdoor KitchensFurniture TopsShowerLaundry RoomsBath SurroundWallsTable TopsFloorsBbqOther
Backsplash Type *Backsplash Type*4 Inch6 InchFullTileOther
Removal of Existing Countertop *Removal of Existing Countertop*YesNoI don’t know
Sink Type *Sink Type*Under mountOver mountNoneI don’t know
Plywood / Suptop *Plywood / Suptop*YesNoNONE
Any Questions?
CSLB License#: 1110444